This page and project are about reducing school bus and other delivery vehicle idling at schools in Tennessee.
Start at the Beginning - Why Start Such a Program?
Answer #1: We are focusing on unnecessary idling, not all idling. A small amount of idling is OK, and turning off your engine for 5 seconds doesn't make sense. Answer #2: Younger kids immune systems are not fully developed, and in many cases they end up standing next to tailpipes of diesel or smaller vehicles frequently. Answer #3: The solution saves money for the school bus driver which in turn can save money for the school district, reduces harmful, toxic tailpipe emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, and makes for a cleaner, smarter community. Answer #4: Our country gets to reduce its oil dependence—at a savings—to the driver.
ETCleanFuels formally started the Idle-Free Tennessee program during the 2010-2011 scholastic year, working in Knox County. The purpose for starting the program is simple: reduce unnecessary idling at schools to do 2 things - improve air quality around Knox County children and reduce oil consumption. Many anti-idling programs exist around the country and have shown to achieve these two goals while saving consumers money on fuel costs (in 2011 and currently at ~$10/barrel for oil, that is a good thing!!)
Emily DeVillers spearheaded the effort and the initial focus included 11 Knox County schools, each of which received 3 idle-free signs that look like the one shown on this page. DeVillers collaborated with the Knoxville metropolitan area Safe Routes to Schools team and with Children's Hospital and the staff at the _______________ offices, who funded the purchase of the signs and poles for the first 11 schools. DeVillers worked with the principals at each school (or their designated official) to select the sign locations.
The DOE's Website for the monthly email the National Idling Reduction Network News. This is an excellent resource! You can subscribe to the newsletter and read past newsletters there.
The EPA's National Idle-Reduction Campaign. This is a public information campaign about the health hazards of idling vehicles where immune systems are still developing!